
SnakeMD is fairly hassle-free and can be installed like most third-party libraries using pip. Only caveat worth noting is which SnakeMD version is compatibile with your personal version of Python. See below for more details.

Python Support

SnakeMD at its core is a dependency-free markdown generation library. As a result, you shouldn’t have to concern yourself with issues that can arise due to dependency conflicts in your environments. However, SnakeMD is a Python library and is constrained by the various versions of Python. To help you navigate this, the SnakeMD documentation includes a table of Python support as seen below. Make sure to always install a version of SnakeMD that is tested for your version of Python.






SnakeMD >= 2.0





SnakeMD 0.12 - 0.15





SnakeMD < 0.12




Basic Installation

The quick and dirty way to install SnakeMD is to use pip:

pip install snakemd

If you’d like access to any pre-releases, you can also install SnakeMD with the --pre flag:

pip install --pre snakemd

Be aware that pre-releases are not suitable for production code.

Building From Source

For folks who want to help with development, we generally recommend the following workflow as of v2.1.0 (see previous version of docs for older guides):

1. Clone the Sourcecode From GitHub

To start, we can download the sourcecode by running a git clone command.

PS E:\Projects> git clone
Cloning into 'SnakeMD'...
remote: Enumerating objects: 1477, done.
remote: Counting objects: 100% (63/63), done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (50/50), done.
remote: Total 1477 (delta 27), reused 27 (delta 12), pack-reused 1414
Receiving objects: 100% (1477/1477), 6.43 MiB | 5.68 MiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (814/814), done.git clone

2. Change Directories

With the sourcecode downloaded, we can now navigate to the project folder.

PS E:\Projects> cd SnakeMD

PS E:\Projects\SnakeMD>

3. Initialize the Repo With Poetry

Assuming you have poetry installed, you can immediately get up to speed by running the install command.

PS E:\Projects> poetry install

4. Verify Everything Works

A quick way to check if everything worked out is to try to run the tests.

PS E:\Projects\SnakeMD> poetry run pytest
============================= test session starts ==============================
platform win32 -- Python 3.11.3, pytest-7.3.1, pluggy-1.0.0
rootdir: E:\Projects\SnakeMD
configfile: pyproject.toml
testpaths: tests
collected 168 items

tests\ .....                                                  [  2%]
tests\ ........................                           [ 17%]
tests\ .................                                   [ 27%]
tests\ .                                           [ 27%]
tests\ ..........................................           [ 52%]
tests\ .........................                           [ 67%]
tests\ .                                                    [ 68%]
tests\ ...................                               [ 79%]
tests\ ........                                              [ 84%]
tests\ ....                                                    [ 86%]
tests\ ...............                                       [ 95%]
tests\ .......                                   [100%]

============================= 168 passed in 0.15s ==============================

And at the same time, why not verify that docs can be constructed:

PS E:\Projects\SnakeMD> poetry run sphinx-build -b dirhtml docs docs/_build
Running Sphinx v6.2.1
loading intersphinx inventory from
building [mo]: targets for 0 po files that are out of date
writing output...
building [dirhtml]: targets for 9 source files that are out of date
updating environment: [new config] 9 added, 0 changed, 0 removed
reading sources... [100%] version-history
looking for now-outdated files... none found
pickling environment... done
checking consistency... done
preparing documents... done
writing output... [100%] version-history
generating indices... genindex py-modindex done
writing additional pages... search done
copying static files... done
copying extra files... done
dumping search index in English (code: en)... done
dumping object inventory... done
build succeeded.

The HTML pages are in docs\_build.

If you see anything like above, you’re ready to start development.